About Cinderella


    Since 2000, Cinderella started her singing career and was favored rapidly. She was invited to be the prima donna in both Rossini’sL’occasione fa il ladroand Puccini’sLa Bohème; in 2004, she held a recital “Love, when the clock strikes midnight” at the Novel Hall; she later sang at the concert “Cinderella Liao and National Taiwan University Symphony Orchestra” at the National Concert Hall in early 2005 with excellent reviews. In May 2005, she was invited to give two performances with Evergreen Symphony Orchestra at the “Shanghai Concert Hall” in Shanghai. In August, she held a recital at the National Concert Hall with Maestro Rolando Nicolosi. In Jan. 2006, at the same venue, she sang solo with the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. April 2006, she participated in the Spring Concert with Dallas Asian American Youth Orchestra in Texas, USA. In summer 2006, she traveled to Trier, Germany and Salzburg, Austria and sang at the Dome to celebrate Mozart’s 250th birth year. She was invited to sing in Beijing Concert Hall at an international festival in August. She was invited by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to sing at the Hawaii Theatre in Honolulu in March.


    She appeared on stages of Germany, Italy, Austria, Dallas, Hawaii, Shanghai, Beijing, Macau, Taipei etc. on different occasions. In Taiwan, she is a familiar face at the National Concert Hall in Taipei. She previously released her first album “Lovely Moon, Glittering Silver” globally and then released her second album with her live concert recording at the National Concert Hall in Taipei in 2009.


女高音  廖英君

2000年起展開歌唱生涯,廖英君曾赴波蘭華沙蕭邦音樂學院與羅馬音樂學院深造並取文憑。廖英君在短時間內的青睞,受邀出任歌劇「真假新郎」與「波西米亞人」女主角;多次與世界級大師Rolando Nicolosi, Daniel Ferro, Bruno Rigacci, Silvia Silveri, and Zdzislawa Donat, 任蓉, 王凱蔚, 田玉斌 等共同演出以及接受指導。曾與長榮交響樂團赴上海之「上海音樂廳」演出,2006年至美國德州與達拉斯亞裔青年交響樂團合作演出;同年,為慶祝莫札特誕辰250週年,赴德國第一古城特立爾 (Trier, Germany) 以及奧地利的薩爾斯堡 (Salzburg, Austria) 樞機主教大教堂演唱,隨後並至義大利托斯卡尼 (Italy, Toscana) 表演。曾多次於台北國家音樂廳舉辦個人獨唱會以及音樂會。演唱足跡遍及世界各地。2007年應中華總商會邀在美國夏威夷劇院演出。20084月由風潮唱片發行個人專輯「銀色的月光」,並應邀於625日於台北國家音樂廳演唱。2009224日於國家音樂廳舉辦個人獨唱會「愛情本事」,轟動全場,獲得極高的評價。



Zdzislawa Donat教授)與羅馬音樂學院(師事Silvia Silveri教授)深造,並取得文憑。師事任蓉、王凱蔚、北京的田玉斌,也獲得國寶級鋼琴大師-Rolando Nicolosi(羅藍多˙尼柯羅西)的賞識與指導,亦赴紐約與世界著名教授Prof. Daniel Ferro學習。廖英君在短時間內的青睞,受邀出任歌劇「真假新郎」與「波西米亞人」女主角;2004年底於台北新舞台的「愛,在鐘聲十二響」獨唱會,與2005年初於國家音樂廳的「女高音廖英君與台大交響樂團」音樂會。5月應邀與長榮交響樂團赴上海之「上海音樂廳」演出兩場。同年8月在國家音樂廳演出「仲夏奇緣-女高音廖英君獨唱會」。20061月再度應邀與長榮交響樂團於國家音樂廳演出,4月至美國德州與達拉斯亞裔青年交響樂團合作演出。為慶祝莫札特誕辰250週年,6月赴德國第一古城特立爾 (Trier, Germany) 以及奧地利的薩爾斯堡 (Salzburg, Austria) 樞機主教大教堂演唱。2007年錄製個人首張專輯、全球發行。同年3月應邀於夏威夷劇院演唱。2008625日於國家音樂廳與鋼琴家陳冠宇及長榮交響樂團聯合演出「交響情人夢」音樂會。2009224日於國家音樂廳舉辦個人獨唱會「愛情本事」,全場轟動,獲得極高的評價。2010年應邀於亞特蘭大雙十國慶酒會上演唱國歌及歌劇選曲,獲得外賓及美國政府官員熱烈迴響。
